Saturday, July 9, 2016

Day 2 in Romans-Sur-Isere

We are having a great time. It's a little hot and sweaty, and we're all exhausted, but when is that new on tour?

Today was a little bit different from the usual day on tour. It started out with an hour long "band show" in a town square. Just because it's called a band show doesn't mean there isn't a lot of dancing as well. There is dancing, it's just not clogging. Lots of dancing in the street!

From there we moved around town doing what they called "animations." These were basically 20 minute shows in different places. And for the first time in Clog America history, we performed in a library (or mediatheque, as they called it).

We had lunch at a cafeteria run by disabled persons. It was a great lunch! French food is fantastic! We had pasta, sausages, bread (there is ALWAYS bread), and several types of fruit. And ice magically found its way into our water, which was a major plus.
And then there were 2 more animations after lunch. One of the highlights of the day was definitely when the French and (maybe) Bulgaria teams came out and line danced with us in the streets to Cotton-Eyed Joe.

A few of the "companion tour" members helped run a Clog America table where we sold CDs, jewelry, quilt squares, wall-hangings, and hot pads.